Dear Refiner's Fire...


Greetings in the Name (Ha'Shem) of G_d! I know you do not know me, but suffice it to say that I am a believer and a true Jew according to the Apostle Paul. I would like to share with you a revelation that I believe G_d gave to me, but I am not fluent in the Hebrew language, so I want to be sure that what I am saying is correct.

When Yeshua (Jesus) died on the cross, Pilate had the words "Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews." I believe in Hebrew that would read Yeshua Ha'Netzeret V'mlech Ha'Yehudim. Yeshua is Jesus (Gk), Ha'Netzeret is "of Nazareth, V'mlech is "the King" and Yehudim is from Yehuda or of Judah, the tribe from which Yeshua descended. By taking the first letters of each of these four words we get Y-H-V-H, or YHVH, the tetragrammaton of Y_hw_h or Y_hv_H (Yahweh). On the cross Jesus said to the Jewish believers, the first church was practically ALL Jewish, except for a few proselytes and a few Gentile believers. On the cross, Jesus said "I love you!" in a big way.

That is all for now, what do you think? I like your website, and I love Yeshua. I grew up knowing Him as Jesus, but Jesus is Greek for Yeshua. I guess that is why they call it Judeo-Christian. In Christ (Ha'Mashiach), we are made complete. He was the "Lamb of God (Passover Lamb) which taketh away the sins of the World" (per John the Baptist - A Jewish believer and forerunner of Yeshua. In Yeshua we have atonement (at-one-ment). Praise the Almighty, El Shaddai, for His sacrifice of Love. "By His stripes we have been healed and set free. Hallelujah!!!

Our Response...

Thank you for writing to The Refiner's Fire and thanks for the compliments!

Interesting observation! The thing is, each of the Gospels says that the placard read something a little differently, which means we can speculate, but not come to a definite conclusion that it said "YHVH." I say this, in part, because YHVH Himself did NOT die on the cross/stake. God can't be born or die or have a mother. His Son, who was sent in human form to become our Final SIN Sacrifice, was born and died for us. His Son came as "an arm of YHWH" (see Isaiah 53:1) to proclaim the Kingdom of YHWH, not to replace His Father in any way. There is a lot more to God than what Christians realize....